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NEVER SAY NEVER von Romanshof
( IntCh MultiCh LET'S GO FORWARD del Molinasco x MultiCh Milbu YARA FOR ROMANSHOF)
ur. 14.03.2018
HD: A, ED: 0/0 OCD: -/- DM - clear (exon 1 & 2) vWD - clear by parentage eyes & heart - clear SH: C
passed mental tests, BH, OBZ, OB1, OB2, OB3
Interchampion - C.I.B. Champion of Poland, Champion of Macedonia GRAND PRIX SLOVAKIA JUNIOR WINNER 2019
Started Polish Junior Champion, Slovakia Junior Champion.
9xCAC, 2xRes.CAC, 4xCACIB, 3xRes.CACIB, 2xBOS, 4xBB, 4xBOB
4xJCAC, BOJ, Crufts Qualification, Junior BIS 2c, BIS Junior III 2xBest Minor Puppy
Height: 62cm Lenght: 71cm Weight: 40kg Status: retired
- Water Work, Junior class - pass 80/100 points
- Water Work, 1st class - pass 77/100 points
- Water Work, 2nd class - pass 78,5/100 points
- Water Work, 3rd class - pass 84/100 points
- Water Work, 4th class - pass 65/100 points
- Water Work, champion class - pass 100/100 points
- BH exam - passed 60/60 points
- obedience, class 0 - excellent 146,5/160 points
- obedience, class 1 - excellent 280,5/320 points
- obedience, class 2 - excellent 291,5/320 points
- obedience, class 3 - excellent 257/320 points
I place - Water Work, Junior class - Biały Bór 2019
IV place - obedience, class 0, Rumianka 2019
I place - obedience, class 1, Baltic Obedience Cup Gdańsk 2019
I place - Water Work, II class - Augustów 2020
II place - Water Work, III class - Augustów 2021
IV place - obedience, class 2, Sieraków 2021
II place - obedience, class 3, Radziszów 2021
I place - obedience, class 3, Wrocław 2023
III place - obedience, class 3, Toruń 2023
III place - obedience, class 3, Radziszów 2023
I place - obedience, class 3, Siedlec 2024
IV place - Water Work, IV class - Augustów 2024
I place - Water Work, champion class - Wawrzkowizna 2024
III place - obedience, class 3, Drop 2024
IntCh, JChBg/BiH/Ro/Md/Balkan/ Basarabia/Transdniestria, JGrChBg/Md, ChBg/Balkan, GrChBg
LET'S GO FORWARD del Molinasco HD:A, ED:0/0, OCD:0/0, free of eye and heart disease vWD - clear DM - exon 1 clear, exon 2 carrier (DOB 12.07.2014)
Berntiers ON DEMAND HD:A, ED:0/0, 8.05.2009 - alive
IntCh, EUW-04,05, ChD&Vdh/Dk/Nl, ZwCruft
BARANCOURT van de Weyenberg HDA, ED:0/0, AOD 9,1
Berntiers Daily News HD A, ED 0/0, AOD 8,5
It/Int/SM/Sociale/Lux Ch, Top Dog CIABS'13, Trofeo Fedora '12 & '13
BEAUTIFUL ELECTRA TO INFINITY del Molinasco HD:A ED:0/0 1.11.2010 - alive
Se/FiCh, Nord W'09
Berntiers FORWARD HD:A, ED:0/0, DM-carrier, AOD 6,6
It/SM/Riproduttore/Sociale Ch, Trofeo Mediolanum '10, Memorial Fedora'11, 2xBISS WINNER
ELECTRA van't Stokerybos HD:B, ED:0/0 AOD 10
JChSrb/Md/Mne/ Phil/Bg/Balkan ChMd/Mne/Ge/Azb/ Cy/CR/Bg/Balkan, GrChBg
Milbu YARA FOR ROMANSHOF HD:A, ED:0/0, OCD:-/- free of eye and heart disease DM - clear, vWD - clear MH - clear, SLC - clear AOD 5,4
ChPl/Am, PlJCh, CLUB W'11, CLUB JW'09, JW SPEC SK '09
KEEP IN TOUCH della Torre d'Ovarda HD:A, ED:0/0, DM-clear 20.05.2008 - alive
TANNHAUSER des Hautes Vernades HD A1, ED 0/0, AOD 10
BLUE SUEDE SHOES della Torre d'Ovarda HD A, ED 0/0 AOD 10,2
LV JCH, LVW'2012
Milbu ICE QUEEN HD:A, ED:0/0 15.01.2010 - alive
Funatic TAITTINGER HD:A, ED:0/0, DM-clear, AOD 7,10
Milbu BIMINI HD:A, ED:0/0 AOD 10,2
In the litter were born 9 puppies, 2 boys: Nightwatch, Nothing To Add and 7 girls: New Hope, Nice Meeting You, Never Walk Alone, Neverending Story, Noughts and Crosses, No Limit and Never Say Never.