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23.12.2018 - International Show in Vilnius
Dressed To Impress von Romanshof - exc. 1 CAC

2.12.2018 - High Sensation von Romanshof became AmCh

2.12.2018 - Hungarian Club Show
LIMITED EDITION von Romanshof - junior class exc. 1, JCAC, Club Junior Winner!!

28.11.2018 - We have puppies!
In our kennel were born 10 puppies: 4 males and 6 females

24.11.2018 - national show in Kedainiai
Dressed To Impress Von Romanshof - exc. 1, CAC, N, BOB

18.11.2018 - International Dog Show Poznań
Light of a Thousand Stars von Romanshof - junior class, exc. 1/6 JCAC, Best Junior,
Wega is Poland Junior Winner 2018!

17.11.2018 - at the show in Strib (DK)
MS. TOO-TICKY von Romanshof - pupy class 1/6, Best Female Puppy

17.11.2018 - International Dog Show Poznań
Light of a Thousand Stars von Romanshof - junior class, exc. 1/4 JCAC,
Best Junior, Crufts Qualification

10-11.11.2018 - at shows in Kielce
Light of a Thousand Stars von Romanshof - junior class, 2xexc., 1, JCAC, Best Junior!
Wega became Junior Champion of Poland!

10.11.2018 - Arya and Wega are free from eye diseases

28.10.2018 - Havana Sunrise von Romanshof became Junior Champion of Slovakia!

26-27-28.10.2018 - at international shows in Bratislava (SK)
Havana Sunrise von Romanshof 3x exc. , 2xCAC, Res.CACIB

27.10.2018 - at the show in Camrose, Alberta (CA)
No Limit von Romanshof won Best Puppy in Breed and First in All Breed Championship Dog Show

15.10.2018 - wonderful results
ICE PALAZZO von Romanshof - HD:A ED:0/0
Mymble & Nice Meeting You are DM clear exon 1&2, vWD clear
Hasta La Vista - ED:neg, OCD:neg, DM-exon 1 clear, exon 2 carrier, vWD clear

7.10.2018 - Havana Sunrise von Romanshof become Champion of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
and Home Sweet Home von Romanshof is new Romania Champion, Latvia Champion.

6.10.2018 - Amber passed obedience exam, class 0 with 94/100 points and excellent note !!!

16.09.2018 - national show in Gorzów Wlkp.
Light of a Thousand Stars von Romanshof - junior class, exc. 2
A Secres Wish von Romanshof - champion class, exc. 1 CAC

9.09.2018 - at the show in Notmark (DK)
Ms. Too-Ticky von Romanshof - minor puppy class, vp. 1, BIM Babby

9.09.2018 - st the International shows in Mińsku
Home Sweet Home von Romanshof won Belarus WINNER 2018 and she became Belarus Champion

9.09.2018 - national show in Warsaw
Nothing To Add - minor puppy class, vp. 1 Best Minor Puppy

8.09.2018 - club show KSSP Dog Show Jedovnice (CZ)
Havana Sunrise von Romanshof - intermediate class, exc. 2/16 - Res. CAC

8.09.2018 - club show in Warsaw
Nothing To Add - minor puppy class, vp. 2
Light of a Thousand Stars von Romanshof - junior class, exc. 4
A Secres Wish von Romanshof - champion class, exc. 4
III Best Breeding Group

1-2.09.2018 - at the shows in New Jersey
High Sensation von Romanshof won 2x Winners Dog!

18-26.08.2018 - Summer Water Workshop of the Terranova Association
Augustów 2018

Wega passed:
puppy class "water work" with a score of 90/100 points
winning the 1st place - "water work" puppy class

Laika passed:
class II "water work" with a score of 95/100 points!
thus she won the 2nd place - "water work" class II
and she won the Best Team title!!

and Amber passed:
class II "water work" with a score of 68/100 points

The certification was judged by Mr. Walter Wehler from Germany.

12.08.2018 - national dog show Toruń
LIGHT OF A THOUSAND STARS von Romanshof - junior class, exc. 1 Youth Winner, Best Junior

5.08.2018 - international dog show in Sopot
NEVER SAY NRVER von Romanshof - minor puppy class, vp. 1 BEST MINOR PUPPY
LIGHT OF A THOUSAND STARS von Romanshof - junior class, exc. 1 Youth Winner, BEST JUNIOR
DAENERYS TARGARYEN von Romanshof - champion class, exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, NDSwR, BOB!

4.08.2018 - international dog show in Sopot
NEVER SAY NRVER von Romanshof - minor puppy class, vp. 1 BEST MINOR PUPPY
LIGHT OF A THOUSAND STARS von Romanshof - junior class, exc. 3
DAENERYS TARGARYEN von Romanshof - champion class, exc. 2

28-39.07.2018 - at the dog shows in Alba Iulia 2xCACIB & CAC (RO)
LIGHT OF A THOUSAND STARS von Romanshof - junior class, 3x exc, 2x #1, 2x JCAC, 2x Best Junior
Wega is now Romanian Junior Champion
DAENERYS TARGARYEN von Romanshof - champion class, 3xexc. 1, 3x CAC, 2x CACIB, 3xBB, 3xBOB
Daenerys is Romanian Champion and Romanian Champion Cum Laudae
She finished her International Championship!!!

21.07.2018 - two shows CAC & CACIB in Debrecen (H)
Daenerys Targaryen von Romanshof - champion class, 2x exc. 2, Res. CAC

17.08.2018 - Ice Palazzo von Romanshof is new Lithuanian Junior Champion!

15.07.2018 - international dog show in Gorzów Wlkp.
NEVER SAY NRVER von Romanshof - minor puppy class, vp. 2
DAENERYS TARGARYEN von Romanshof - champion class, exc. 2

1.07.2018 - at the International Dog Show in Szczecin
LIGHT OF A THOUSAND STARS von Romanshof - puppy class, vp. 1 Best Puppy
DAENERYS TARGARYEN von Romanshof - champion class, exc. 1 CAC

30.06.2018 - National Dog Show of II group FCI Lubieszyn
LIGHT OF A THOUSAND STARS von Romanshof - puppy class, vp. 1 Best Puppy, BIS Puppy III
DAENERYS TARGARYEN von Romanshof - champion class, exc. 1 CAC BB BOS

27.06.2018 - wonderful results!
Havana Sunrise von Romanshof- HD:0/0, ED:0/0, OCD: negative, LTV:Typ 0

27.05.2018 - we have another Champion coming from our kennel!
Eureka Von Romanshof became new Serbian Champion!

19.05.2018 - at Sennenfest 2018 in Darłowo
DAENERYS TARGARYEN von Romanshof got 275/300 pionts in adult class!
LIGHT OF A THOUSAND STARS von Romanshof got 290/300 points in puppy class and
she won the Best In Show Puppy!
Judges: Karla Zurhaar, Raili Suits, Michele Gurney and Maria Amélia Taborda

12.05.2018 - at Oulu NORD Show
Dolce Vita von Romanshof - EXC1 CQ BB1 CAC NORDIC-CAC BOS!!!

12.05.2018 - Deja Vu von Romanshof at the show in Australia won Best of Breed!

12.05.2018 - Klubová výstava ŠSP - Zárybničná Lhota u Tábora
HAVANA SUNRISE von Romanshof - junior class, excellent 4 from 52 females !!!

6.05.2018 - national dog show in Rybnik
LIGHT OF A THOUSAND STARS von Romanshof - puppy class, vp. 2
WHO KNOWS Berneńskie Ranczo - open class, exc. 1 CAC
DAENERYS TARGARYEN von Romanshof - champion class, exc. 1 CAC

21/22.04.2018 - national shows in Zakrzów
LIGHT OF A THOUSAND STARS von Romanshof - 2x vp. 1, 2x Best Minor Puppy in Breed!

16.04.2018 - new Interchampion coming from our kennel
American Cookie von Romanshof finished the title of the International Beauty Champion

7-8.04.2018 - at international dog shows in Nitra (SK)
Havana Sunrise von Romanshof - junior class, 2x exc. 1, 2x JCAC

16.03.2018 - Hungarian Speciality Show
Limided Edition von Romanshof - minor puppy class, vp. 1, Best Minor Puppy, BISS Minor Puppy!!

14.03.2018 - we have puppies
in our kennel were born two litters, more in 'puppies'

15.01.2018 - Dressed To Impress Von Romanshof - the most successful
Swiss mountain dogs club adult female in Lithuania 2017!

14.01.2018 - Hanacka national dog show (CZ)
Havana Sunrise von Romanshof - junior class, exc. 2/14
Judge Fairaislová Lenka

1.01.2018 - Happy New Year!!!

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